Friday, July 3, 2009

Seeley Farm & Monteverde

Here is a picture of me at the Seeley farm. It is an off the grid farm and was so incredibly beautiful.

We stayed at the Seeley family sustainable farm for a night. The family is like Swiss Family Robinson meets the Sound of Music.
( Credit to classmate Jennifer for that perfect description!)  The mother and daughters made us delicous meals and the son/brother took us on a tour of their property.

Yesterday we traveled to Monteverde. The road to Monteverde was pretty frightening but I kept my cool the entire time. We did the zip line adventure and canopy tour today through the cloud forest. Now we are in Santa Elena.
My camera is not working so this could be my last photo for awhile.

I hope everyone is well.
Happy Birthday Mom and Joyce!!!!!

1 comment:

Orion said...

You are still as cute as a button!